The Benefits of Eliminating Added Sugars from Your Diet: Achieving a Healthy Weight, Lowering Triglycerides, and Reducing Heart Disease Risk

2023-06-25 11:37:30

02:28 PM Sunday, June 25, 2023

I wrote – Nada Najid:

Sugar is found naturally in many foods, such as fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, and even cereals, which also contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to nourish, but added sugars are extra calories without added nutrition and are known as “empty calories” that can lead to Weight gain and other health problems.

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In the following lines, the conference reviews the most prominent things that happen to the body when you cut added sugar from your diet, according to what was published by WebMD.

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The benefits of eliminating added sugars from your diet

1- A healthy weight

Too many calories, no matter where they come from, will lead to weight gain, but too much added sugar in the diet can make you more likely to overeat throughout the day. Replace some of those empty calories with whole foods and you’ll feel full faster and be less likely to overeat.

2- Low triglycerides

If your body weight is higher than it should be, you are more likely to have high levels of cholesterol, including triglycerides, which are a type of fat in your blood. When you reduce added sugar, you can lower your calories and body weight, which may improve your cholesterol. .

3-Low risk of heart disease

High triglycerides increase the risk of heart disease, and added sugar can lower these levels and may help stop the weight gain and fat buildup associated with heart disease, but if you get more than 20% of your calories from added sugar, you may be able to reduce your risk. Heart disease.

4- Get perfect nutrition

Reducing added sugars means getting better nutrition, especially if you want to replace those calories with whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, and whole grains, and these foods contain more nutrients that the body needs, and they contain fiber that Helping the body absorb sugars more slowly, blood glucose levels will be more stable.

5- Healthier teeth

Sugars are the primary food source for the bacteria that grow in your mouth and cause tooth decay. This can lead to tooth decay and more serious infections. Reducing sugars, especially added sugars in drinks, such as soda or soft drinks, can help slow or stop tooth decay.

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