The best and worst drinks for those fasting in Ramadan

Ramadan juices and refreshing drinks are what fasting people resort to most often during the month of Ramadan to compensate for the water their bodies lost during the day of fasting.

Sometimes, many fasting people resort to certain drinks, thinking that they will help them compensate for what they lost in terms of minerals and vitamins, after long hours of fasting. However, in fact, these drinks are not beneficial and cause symptoms including indigestion and raising sugar levels.

The best Ramadan drinks

  • Nutritionist Ghina Ghalayini says, in an interview with Sky News Arabia, that Ramadan drinks and juices are beneficial for health, but on the condition that they are prepared in a healthy way and no sugar is added to them, because they are mainly rich in sugars and calories, as they provide the body with fluids, minerals and vitamins, noting that drinks such as Jallab, tamarind, qamar al-din, and licorice can provide a fasting person with many beneficial nutrients, provided they are eaten in an appropriate amount.

Benefits of healthy Ramadan drinks

  • Jallab contains the minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C, and each cup contains about 200 calories.
  • Qamar al-Din is a very useful drink that quenches thirst and contains potassium, vitamins A and C, noting that one cup of this juice contains 250 calories.
  • Tamarind contains antioxidants, potassium and phosphorous, and helps solve the problem of indigestion and constipation, while one cup of this drink contains about 220 calories,
  • Licorice drink is the lowest in terms of the number of calories, as it contains only about 100 calories, in addition to its role in strengthening the immune system, with caution about its role in raising pressure for hypertensive patients.

How and when do we drink?

Ghalayini saw that these drinks can be consumed in a small amount and without adding sugar to them during breakfast, i.e. at the rate of half a cup, and they can also be consumed again and in the same quantity after about 3 hours of breakfast as a substitute for the share of fruits, while it is preferable for one to drink protein-rich drinks at suhoor. Like dates and milk cocktails, milkshakes, banana milk, dates or strawberries, these drinks provide us with protein and relieve thirst, especially milk and yogurt because they provide the body with minerals and do not raise the sugar level quickly.

Avoid harmful drinks

Nutritionist Ghina Ghalayini told Sky News Arabia that the drinks that should not be consumed during the month of Ramadan are soft drinks and those to which sugar is added, such as lemonade, canned drinks, or envelopes that contain powdered drinks, as they are rich in sugar and devoid of vitamins and minerals, stressing Do not include it on the Ramadan table, as it causes lethargy and dehydration, as it contains high levels of sugar.

As for other fruit juices, Ghalayini considered that it is better for the fasting person to eat portions of whole fruits rich in fiber.

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