The Best Natural Sugars to Replace White Sugar: Honey, Fruits, Agave Syrup, and More!

2023-06-14 14:21:47

The best natural sugars to replace white sugar

It is one of the evils of the century from which we all suffer, or almost. Our sugar intake is too high. However, in excess, it is bad for health, just like for the line. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to replace it in your diet.


Honey tastes sweeter than sugar itself! In your pancakes, yogurt or desserts, it will do just fine. Honey also has benefits that you don’t know about.

The fruits

In addition to being good for your health, fruits are all full of sugar with a low glycemic index. In your sweet recipes, mashed banana is a very good sugar dupe. The darker it is, the more sugar it will contain. Also use dried or candied fruits, fruit purées rather than jams.

Agave syrup

Resulting from the transformation of the sap of the agave, a kind of cactus from volcanoes in Mexico, the agave has a neutral taste with sweetening power, three times higher than that of sugar. 50 g is enough to replace 100 g of sugar.

Natural flavors

Vanilla, bitter almond, orange blossom, lemon, mint leaves or coffee do not sweeten food. On the other hand, they make the palate forget the taste of sugar, which concentrates on other flavors.

powdered fructose

Fructose is the sugar in fruit. Presented in powder form, it has a sweetening power 1.5 times greater than that of sugar. In addition, it is ideal for long cooking. 60 g of fructose replaces 100 g of sugar.

coconut sugar

Coconut sugar, or coconut blossom sugar, may be in powder or syrup. Made from the flowers of the coconut tree, its glycemic index is 30. Ideal for replacing conventional sugar.

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