“The blackness of the years is clean in seconds.” Cleaning the burnt frying pan and removing fat from the first use

Cleaning the burnt frying pan can be done by the housewife, using simple household ingredients, and these ingredients help to penetrate the stain and penetrate between its burnt particles and interact quickly with them and completely get rid of any accumulations of burnt oils, and through the use of the following ingredients you will get your frying pan clean, and it looks As if it were new, and here comes an explanation of the most important information about the components that react quickly with the burnt oils and work to make the surface of the pan clean, with a distinctive luster, and without using any combinations that may be unavailable and expensive.

How to clean a burnt frying pan

Clean the burnt frying pan with vinegar. This method is guaranteed and excellent for completely eliminating any burns on the pan. Vinegar is an excellent acidic substance, and through it it is possible to completely get rid of any accumulations or burnt oils. Using vinegar makes removing burnt fat much easier, but With the use of hot water, and soaking the burnt pan, this helps in getting rid of burns and is easy to remove after using the cleaning gel with the sponge.

Baking powder bag method to eliminate bowl burns

It is an excellent available method for getting rid of any stubborn stains or burns that may be present on the surface of the pan and the pan. No matter how hard the fat is, you can clean the pan faster and more thoroughly, and the result is excellent.

Use baking powder with hot water, lemon peels, and leave the bowl soaked for a long time.

After that, wash it with lukewarm water with the cleaning gel, and using a suitable piece of wire, clean until you get a satisfactory luster.

Use lemon salt and ketchup to clean a bowl
Simple ingredients available in our home, one of the most important ingredients used to clean a burnt pan is ketchup and lemon salt, and with the interaction of these two substances, we get the result, which is the complete removal of all traces of burns on the pan, clean with a mixture of ketchup with lemon salt and a piece of sponge, and then you will get Distinguished luster of the bowl.

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