The Calming Oasis: How This Couple Lives with 150 Houseplants in a Brooklyn Apartment

In 2020, a young couple named Vionna Wai and Chucky Hui moved into a two-family home in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. What makes their living arrangement unique is not only the fact that they live with Hui’s parents, but also the 150 houseplants and two cats, Mi and Ding, that they share their space with.

This unconventional household dynamic might sound surprising to some, but it is becoming increasingly common in today’s society. According to Axios, 16% of U.S. millennials lived with their parents in 2022. This trend can be attributed to a variety of factors, including rising housing costs and the desire for intergenerational support.

For Wai, a construction engineer, and Hui, a UX designer, their plants play a central role in their daily lives. With 150 plant varieties, their home is transformed into a lush oasis that brings them a sense of calm and joy. Wai has found that taking care of her plants is a form of self-care, allowing her to be present in the moment and forget about the stresses of work.

The couple’s love for their plants goes beyond aesthetics. Wai believes that plants are living beings that require love and care. She spends approximately 30 minutes per week watering her plants and ensuring they receive adequate sunlight. In return, she feels a deep sense of fulfillment and connection with nature.

While maintaining such a vast plant collection may seem overwhelming to some, Wai sees it as a labor of love. To her, the plants bring a sense of tranquility to her home, creating a sanctuary from the fast-paced nature of the outside world. The couple has even designated a cat-friendly corner, allowing their furry friends to coexist peacefully with the plants.

One plant in particular holds great sentimental value for Wai – a Phildendrom Florida Beauty that she purchased for $350. Despite the hefty price tag, Wai believes that the joy it brings her is priceless. She cherishes the journey of nursing the plant back to health and finds happiness in sharing its progress with friends.

Looking ahead, Wai dreams of having her own greenhouse in the future. She envisions a serene life in the countryside, surrounded by rice paddies, where she can continue her passion for plants on a larger scale. This desire reflects a broader trend of individuals seeking a deeper connection with nature and a slower pace of life.

The story of Wai and Hui’s plant-filled home invites us to reflect on the value of incorporating nature into our living spaces. As urbanization and technological advancements continue to shape our world, it becomes increasingly important to find ways to reconnect with the natural world.

Furthermore, the rise of plant ownership and the wellness benefits associated with it may continue to influence various industries. Health and wellness businesses could tap into the growing demand for indoor plants as a means of promoting relaxation and stress reduction. Interior designers may also need to adapt their aesthetic sensibilities to accommodate plant-friendly living spaces.

In conclusion, Wai and Hui’s story offers a delightful glimpse into the joy and serenity that plants can bring to our lives. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, plants have the power to create a sense of calm, improve air quality, and foster a deeper connection with nature. As our society evolves, the trend of incorporating plants into our homes may continue to flourish, transforming our living spaces into tranquil havens.

Wai says taking care of her plants is a form of self care.

Mickey Todiwala. Photo by CNBC Make It

The only place that Wai and her husband don't have any plants at all is in their bedroom.

The only place that Wai and her husband don’t have any plants at all is in their bedroom.

Mickey Todiwala. Photo by CNBC Make It

Wai and Hui have a designated corner where Mi and Ding hang out around cat-friendly plants.

Wai and Hui have a designated corner where Mi and Ding hang out around cat-friendly plants.

Mickey Todiwala.

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