The central bank held a meeting to analyze the current economic and financial situation and deploy key research tasks in 2022 to achieve an orderly and effective connection between green finance and transformational finance_Oriental Fortune Network

On April 7, the Chinese peoplebankThe website released news, recently peoplebankA video conference on research work in 2022 will be held.Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 19th Plenary Sessions and the Central Economic Work Conference, and earnestly implemented the 2022 People’sbankThe work meeting required to summarize the work of the People’s Bank of China’s research system in 2021, analyze the current economic and financial situation, and deploy key research tasks in 2022.

The meeting held that in 2021, the research system of the People’s Bank of China will conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to and carry forward the work philosophy and fine tradition of “research and establishment” in accordance with the work requirements of the Bank’s Party Committee, and focus on serving the real economy and preventing and controlling financial risks. , the three tasks of deepening financial reform and the central work of the whole bank, solidly carry out policy research and theoretical research, and orderly promote key tasks such as green finance and transformational finance, regional financial reform, inclusive finance, and the formulation of the “14th Five-Year Plan” financial development plan , achieved remarkable results.

The meeting pointed out that in 2022, the research system of the People’s Bank of China should fully understand the new requirements and challenges posed by the profound changes in the domestic and foreign environment for research work, shoulder heavy responsibilities, and take active actions.To increase service steadilyChangheFocus on risk prevention, and strengthen research on major fundamental and forward-looking issues. It is necessary to focus on supporting green and low-carbon development, continue to deepen the research on transformational finance, realize the orderly and effective connection between green finance and transformational finance, and form feasible policy measures. Guided by the new development concept, we should focus on the integrated development of green finance, inclusive finance, and technological innovation finance, earnestly promote the implementation of reform policies, and continuously deepen the work of regional financial reform.learn from party historyeducateTaking normalization and long-term effects as an opportunity, fully understand the significance of the history of red finance to financial reform and development, and use scientific and standardized methods to strengthen systematic research on the history of red finance.

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The meeting demanded that the research system should further improve its political position, continuously improve its style of writing, study and work, vigorously strengthen the construction of talent teams, continue to strengthen the linkage between top and bottom, internal and external, comprehensively improve the ability and level of scientific performance of duties, and meet the party’s second goal with practical actions. Ten victories held.

(Article Source:securitiesdaily)

Article source: Securities Daily

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Original title: The central bank held a meeting to analyze the current economic and financial situation, and deployed key research tasks in 2022 to achieve an orderly and effective connection between green finance and transformational finance

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