The company attacks a YouTube channel broadcasting the soundtracks of its video games

Nintendo obviously does not like his works to be reused, even when they are several years old. The company has just tackled the chain YouTube DeoxysPrime, known for streaming the soundtracks of former video gamessome of which belong to the Japanese firm, reports phonandroid.

According to the channel, 500 complaints for harm to were sent to him within a week. At the same time, a dozen videos featuring game soundtracks were blocked on the platform. These were pieces from, for example, the titles Smash Bros, Donkey Kong Country, F-Zero or Mario Kart.

The channel permanently removes them

“From now on, I will remove all Nintendo music from my channel,” warned its administrator. “With over 500 claims and a dozen soundtracks blocked last week, it’s clear they don’t want their music on YouTube. I feel sorry for everyone who enjoys their music, but I don’t really have a choice,” he added.

The other original tapes will be kept, said the DeoxysPrime teams. The latter, however, called on their community to put pressure on Nintendo so that the company markets the music of these famous video games.

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