“The Complications of Pneumonia: Risks and Symptoms According to WebMD”

2023-05-10 15:48:01

06:35 PM

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

the concerto

The journalist, Mahmoud Bakri, passed away yesterday, Tuesday, after staying in the intensive care unit for 70 days, as a result of his infection with pneumonia.

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In the following report, “The Consulto” reviews the complications of pneumonia, according to WebMD.

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Also read: After the death of Mahmoud Bakri, here are the causes, symptoms and treatment of pneumonia

Complications of pneumonia

1- Sepsis

If pneumonia is caused by a bacterial infection, there is a possibility that it can pass into the patient’s bloodstream, putting them at risk of developing sepsis, which may develop a serious condition called septic shock.

It is difficult for the heart of a person in septic shock to pump enough oxygen-laden blood to the body’s organs, which leads to them stopping working, as a result of a sharp drop in blood pressure.

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2- Lung abscess

Pneumonia may cause pockets of pus to build up in the lungs, especially if the patient:

He had a history of gum disease.

He suffers from weak immunity.

He has sepsis.

Drinks alcohol in large quantities.

Men and the elderly are the most vulnerable to lung abscess, and its symptoms include:

– fever.

– Cough with pus.

night sweats

Not feeling hungry.

– Weight loss.

Constant fatigue.

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3- Swelling of the pleura

If pneumonia is left untreated, the pleura, which is made up of two layers, may swell, the first covering the outside of the lung and the second lining the chest wall.

Swelling of the pleura may develop into:

Pleural effusion: If the area between the pleura becomes filled with fluid.

An empyema: if the fluid becomes infected.

The swelling of the pleura and the diseases resulting from it can be inferred from the following symptoms:

Chest pain that gets worse when you breathe, cough or sneeze.

Shoulder or back pain.

– Breathing difficulty.

– fever.

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4- Failure to breathe

If the lungs of a person with pneumonia fill with fluid, their ability to carry oxygen into the bloodstream and remove carbon dioxide is reduced.

A patient with pneumonia becomes vulnerable to respiratory failure if his immunity is weak, he drinks excessively, or he is elderly.

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5- Kidney failure

Low blood pressure from septic shock makes the heart unable to send the necessary blood supply to the kidneys, which increases the risk of kidney failure.

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6- Heart attack

Research revealed that 20% of hospitalized pneumonia patients are at risk of developing heart problems, as a result of the bacterial infection being transmitted through the bloodstream.

The risk of developing heart disease increases when a patient with pneumonia is elderly or already suffering from a heart problem.

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