Pedro Sánchez, yesterday, at a PSOE event in Gijón.

© Editorial Unit, SA
Pedro Sánchez, yesterday, at a PSOE event in Gijón.

The Permanent Delegation of Congress will debate next Tuesday whether the economic vice president, Nadia Calvin, must go to account for the distribution of european funds. His appearance has been requested by the PP, who wants the also Minister of Economic Affairs to explain the reasons for the “low execution” of the aid, as well as the measures that she plans to adopt so that the money “reaches the real economy in 2022.” The popular ones are worried because they consider that the administration is being “slow”, “ineffective”, “not very transparent” and “partisan”. The government he has admitted that he does not know what part of the funds has so far reached the companies. After the autonomies governed by the PP accuse the Executive of making a distribution “by finger”, the main opposition party decided to start an offensive to force the Executive to take a picture. On Tuesday, the first of them will be put to a vote, as stated in the agenda of the Permanent Council. Since the controversy broke out, it is the first time that the administration of the funds will be directly discussed. The parliamentary spokesperson for the PP, Cuca Gamarra, explains that Calviño’s request to appear “is complementary” to the requests that have also been registered so that all the ministers detail -these in the ordinary period- with what criteria they are managing the money in their areas. The Permanent Council will also discuss on Tuesday whether, as the PP has requested, the Minister of Consumption will come to give explanations, Alberto Garzon, for his “serious” words about the quality of the meat that Spain exports. In the same package, the assistance of the head of Agriculture will be voted, louis planes, for the same reasons, as well as those of Maria Jesus Montero (Hacienda), Carolina Darias (Health), Pilar Llop (Justice), Theresa Rivera (Ecological Transition) and Rachel Sanchez (Transport).

“Height of sight”

The issue of European funds makes the Executive nervous, as was made clear yesterday, when Pedro Sanchez spent most of a act in Gijón to charge against the PP for “blocking” the distribution and accusing it of being “a negationist party.” “Those who questioned vaccination targets are today questioning European funds. I implore you not to question them, because that means stopping employment from continuing to grow. I ask for a sense of state, high-mindedness and commitment,” said the Prime Minister. “The same as Felipe they called him a beggar are the same ones who say that these funds are not necessary or are poorly managed”, he denounced, recalling the “enormous opportunity” that the structural and cohesion funds represented in the 1980s and 1990s, and comparing them with the 140,000 million euros that Europe has now put on the table. Sánchez, who is chased by the ranching controversy de Garzón, yesterday had to pull the wild card of social spending to announce that on Tuesday the Minister council It will update the pensions for 2022, for which it will allocate 6,500 million euros. He did it together Adriana Lastra and the Asturian president, Adrián Barbón, at the Gijón trade fair, while dozens of ranchers and workers from the aluminum factory gathered at its gates Alu Iberica, where an ERE has been launched. The leader of the Socialists explained that a minimum pension that in 2017 meant 637 euros per month will rise to 720 euros, “while with the PP model it would remain at 646 euros.” “We manage the economy much better than they do,” he defended.