The cost of menstruating in Neuquén

2023-06-12 15:46:14

The Sociology graduate and member of the Public Policy Innovation Directorate of the Neuquén Family Undersecretary who runs “Cycles in Dignity”, Gisel Barrionuevo, visited the studio BLACK RIVER RADIO to talk about menstruation: “We consider it a Human Rights issue.”

How much does it cost to menstruate in Neuquén? The question echoed within the organization and they began “to read the reality of the province with diagnostic data”, to find out the impact that menstruating generates on the family economies of the people the Undersecretary accompanies.

In coordination with the Directorate of Statistics and Census of the Province of Neuquén, they surveyed the large supermarket chains, local pharmacies and neighborhood markets. The conclusion: in May Menstruating cost between 500 and 1,500 pesos if wipes were used, and between 600 and 1,600 pesos if the management was done with tampons.

“That represents, in the case of wipes, the 10.46% of a Universal Child Allowance and 10.86% in the case of tampons. If we already add a second menstruating person in the home, we are talking about almost a 20% of an AUH. What we have come to make visible, too, is that those people who menstruate do not choose not to, so, It is a cost that is maintained monthly for the pocket of those of those families,” Barrionuevo remarked.

The sociologist pointed out that, through the program “Cycles in Dignity”, people who are already being accompanied by the Family Undersecretary can access the “menstrual management kits” that, in a first stage, contain disposable supplies such as wipes, tampons and, in addition, wet personal hygiene towels, “considering those menstruating people who live in homes with insufficient drinking water. And, in a second stage, the free provision of sustainable elements is proposed, such as reusable cloth towels.

“We are taking a significant step, not only to be able to bring these elements closer to the families that need them the most, but also to be able to make visible a topic that has historically been postponed because it has been taboo,” Barrionuevo remarked. On the other hand, it is intended to come up with information to banish the myths that revolve around menstruation and to guarantee “greater coverage of the rights to non-reproductive sexual health”.

For the sociologist, it is essential to address the problem as “an issue of Human Rights.” «There are studies worldwide and in Argentina that indicate that a percentage higher than 35% of children and adolescents do not attend educational establishments on the days when they transit their menstruation. And that is also related to recreational or sports activities, where the percentage increases; is close to or higher than 50%,” he said.

Listen to sociologist Gisel Barrionuevo on RÍO NEGRO RADIO:

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#cost #menstruating #Neuquén

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