The Dangers of Excessive Coffee Consumption: Health Risks and Effects on Sleep and Brain Function

2023-06-01 17:30:00

08:30 pm

Thursday 01 June 2023

I wrote-the names of the mayor

Dr. Magdy Nazih, a clinical nutrition expert, warned of the unhealthy effects of coffee on the brain

The nutrition expert said, during his interview on the “Cairo Talk” program, with the media, Karima Awad, on the “Cairo and the People” screen, that excessive coffee consumption causes many harms and does not make young people sleep well, saying: “The brain’s electricity is always on.”

According to “thehealthsite”, coffee contains caffeine that stimulates the central nervous system, heart and muscles, and one cup of coffee can stimulate you and increase your mental alertness.

Excessive consumption of coffee is harmful to health and causes many health problems in a person.

And if you are used to drinking this drink continuously, it may increase your risk of many diseases

Overeating also increases the time it takes to fall asleep and decreases the total sleep time. Ideally, you should have your last cup of coffee 6 hours before your bedtime.

Your excessive consumption of coffee can lead to a condition called rhabdomyolysis, which is the breakdown of your damaged muscles. This is a serious health disorder where damaged muscle fibers enter your bloodstream.

Cardiovascular disorders

According to researchers from the European Society of Cardiology, coffee drinking is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, especially heart attack, in young people between the ages of 18 and 45 with mild hypertension.

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