the dangers of the latest TikTok fad to lose weight

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On social networks, influencers hijack an antidiabetic drug to lose weight. A risky practice that is gaining momentum in France.

Par Olivier Hertel

Ozempic, an injectable drug indicated for type II diabetes, also known by the name of its molecule, semaglutide.
Ozempic, an injectable drug indicated for type II diabetes also known by the name of its molecule, semaglutide.

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« CAs promised, I’ll make the video following the two weeks of Ozempic. We are less than 7 kilos…”, proudly announces a tiktokeuse to her 57,000 subscribers, so happy to wear this skirt that she might no longer put on following her pregnancy. And the young woman to clarify: “In any case, I will not give the name of my doctor. These few seconds on TikTok perfectly illustrate the fears of health authorities.

In a press release dated 1is March, the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) and Health Insurance warned of the misuse of Ozempic, an injectable drug indicated for type II diabetes also known by the name of its molecule, the semaglutide. “Field reports, reveals the press release, report a misuse ch…

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