“The ego is the worst enemy…”: Cami’s deep reflection on The Voice Chile that sparked a barrage of reactions

A particular situation occurred in this Wednesday’s chapter of The Voice Chile, which had Cami Gallardo and the rest of the coaches as the main protagonist.

The singer caused talk in the cyber world thanks to a particular reflection she made on the egos of the artists. This, after the performance of Marcela, who appeared in the space of Chilevisión.

In that minute, and after the singer failed to convince the judges, Cami gave her powerful advice on “intention in her voice” to continue improving. “If there is that very small change, there will be a huge difference in your next presentations,” Gallardo said.

Later, Beto Cuevas also agreed with his comment. “Everything Cami said is accurate. It seemed to me that in your long notes the tone suddenly goes away, and that is air. I know in your case that it is nerves, but you have to work so that it does not affect you, “said the leader of La Ley.

After cardboard, and after Marcela did not put on the best face after the criticism she received, Cami Gallardo let off steam and shared a personal experience when she stayed in conversation with the rest of her comadres on set.

“You remember what I told you a couple of days ago about the artist’s ego, that you have to be very careful because it is a very treacherous ego. It is so treacherous that it does not allow you to learn. The artist’s ego is the artist’s worst enemy because it does not allow you to learn… it is an absolute truth”, the singer threw out.

In addition, he added that “it helped me a lot to have… today I appreciate it, at that moment it was a nightmare, but my parents were very strict with me and it helped me a lot because I have a strong character, it helped me lower my head , understand when I was doing it wrong and say ‘ok, it’s true’”.

“It was hard for me to deconstruct that artist’s ego, so I see it in people when they come, it’s like talking to a wall and they look at you with anger, with rage,” he concluded.

As expected, Camila Gallardo’s comment was far from going unnoticed and triggered a series of reactions on social networks.

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