The electricity does not return and there are several affected neighborhoods in Roca

The power cut that started at 13.50 It continues in various neighborhoods of Roca and also in a sector of Cervantes, readers informed this medium.

From Edersa they had indicated that a feeder located on Alsina street that supplies part of the center had been disabled.

However, the cut did not affect only a part of the center but in different neighborhoods of the city they were left without power. Service was also cut off in the Los Olmos area. Other places were south of the canalito.

From Edersa they communicated in principle that “a medium voltage conductor was cut due to high temperatures and their accumulation”, they communicated.

Hours later, they detailed that there was a service outage of 5 reclosers during the afternoon, 4 of them rural. It was due to an underfrequency event, unrelated to Edersa. “It is about automatic firing of medium voltage devices, due to the need of the National interconnected to lower loads and demands in the country. They are taking out of service areas of different parts of Argentina“, they communicated.

They also detailed that this happened with a Regina feeder that affected Godoy in its entirety.
Although they indicated that the service was restored, neighbors reported that they still do not have electricity.

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