The embarrassing moment of Jordi Roca urinating where it wasn’t because he was drunk: “I’m sorry”

Cocktails can end up being a bomb if you are not careful with your alcohol intake. Jordi Roca, one of the best chefs in the world, told Martínez y Hermanos a hilarious anecdote that he starred in one day when he visited a cocktail bar and spent himself drinking: “I don’t know whether to tell it, are there children?”

The chef has reported that he had to go to a cocktail bar and they slowly brought out cocktails “with something to eat so that we wouldn’t fall directly to the ground.” In total, they drank six cocktails in an hour, a fairly short period of time and which, of course, took its toll on him. “I already didn’t know,” he admitted.

The problem is that during this service he was resisting the urge to go to the bathroom to urinate. “They were taking things out and I didn’t want to interrupt,” she commented. So when he thought the pass was over, she got up as best she could and went to the bathroom: “I’ve been holding on for a long time and I pee… that’s fine.”

When he finished, he was so drunk that he needed to lean his head against the wall to take a brief breather. “And the wall opens. Turns out it was a door. And right above there was a camera,” he said. So, as Malena Alterio has summarized, the cook peed “in a place where he shouldn’t have peed.” “On the wall,” Roca confirmed.

This incident had never come to light, so the owners of the cocktail bar have now learned that the renowned chef was the author of the urination on the wall. “Sorry, guys,” he apologized. In addition, he has given an important lesson to avoid this type of accident: “Ask where the bathroom is.”

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