The end of barrier gestures and wearing a mask is causing a strong comeback of viruses such as the flu and gastro: “It’s the door open to contamination”

We had almost forgotten them during all these long months of Covid, viruses such as the flu or gastro are back. Doctors have testified to this since the end of barrier gestures and the wearing of masks, the number of infected people has increased significantly.

This Friday morning, it was not easy to find a doctor who could answer our questions. Most are indeed overwhelmed, the number of appointments has exploded in recent days. Everywhere in Belgium, seasonal diseases are making a strong comeback at the end of winter and everyone is concerned. “We are no longer in confinement now, we are no longer in hybrid or confined education, so people see each other, meet, discuss with each other… And inevitably, it is the door open to the contamination of all diseases. infectious”notes Luc Henry, general practitioner and president of the Belgian association of medical unions.

In one week, the number of cases of influenza, for example, doubled: 500,000 people on average are affected each year by this virus. The current figures are approaching those before Covid. In the street, the observation is clear: “In my neighborhood, my neighbors had gastro last week. And at the moment, I think it’s a little bit in the schools”indicates a questioned passer-by. “I am a teacher, so I know that there are a lot of absentees at school at the moment. Obviously, it is a nest of germs”said another. “Return of the flu, the grandchildren who are sick again and grandpa and grandma who are called to treat them of course. High temperatures, laryngitis, pharyngitis… Everything we knew before the Covid is coming back and that, low the masks…”notes a third.

Yes, the disappearance of the mask and many health measures play a role in the current spread. Doctors had to adapt to the return of seasonal diseases: “Between a flu and a Covid, the symptoms are very similar so it’s difficult to make the distinction just on the clinical aspect. The antigen test is therefore sometimes absolutely necessary”insists the president of the Belgian association of medical unions.

The spring weather over the next few days should help curb the spread of many viruses.

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