The ex-husband’s 26 million IOUs were disclosed and Wang Xiaofei reprimanded Big S: Do you want to lose face when you open your eyes and tell nonsense? (21:03) – 20221203 – SHOWBIZ

The money dispute between Taiwanese actress Xu Xiyuan (big S) and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei became Rashomon. The big S disclosed that Wang Xiaofei owed her 26 million IOUs, and Wang Xiaofei released another version of the relevant loan, and restored the whole story of buying a house, and reprimanded the big S for talking big Say, “Do you want face?”

In November last year, Big S announced that he had ended his 10-year marriage with Wang Xiaofei, a wealthy mainland businessman. A money dispute broke out last month. Wang Xiaofei was accused of violating the divorce agreement and failing to pay her ex-wife Big S for living expenses. She owed about 1.25 million Hong Kong dollars. Wang Xiaofei and her mother Zhang Lan attacked Big S and her family in a series of attacks, and Big S calmed down the dispute by saying “I promise I will not speak evil in this life”. Recently, Zhang Lan fired again, pointing out that Mama S used to be “sitting on the table”, and said that the electrical bill of Big S was as high as NT$94,000 because she included the family’s electric meter in her own electricity bill. Mama S fought back, clarifying that when she was young, she worked part-time in a restaurant instead of “sit on the table”, and said that the electricity bills of different addresses cannot be calculated together.

Wang Xiaofei accused Big S of derailment in marriage, claiming that Big S had been with Ju Junye in 2018, because when Gu Junye went to Taiwan to meet fans, the group photo suspected that Big S’s sister Xu Xixian was there. Today Gu Junye finally opened his mouth and personally posted a message: “How could this be the same person?” Big S couldn’t bear it anymore, and disclosed the bank account details on social networks this evening, indicating that the property belongs to him. She wrote: “Both apartments were purchased by me with loans. Wang Aixinjueluo chose it, and I paid for it. I feel sorry for the quilt who sells hot and sour noodles hoarsely.” Then she published the IOU written by Wang Xiaofei and borrowed it from her. 26 million, promised to pay off by the end of 2018, but so far only 5 million has been repaid. Big S said: “This IOU was written by Aixinjueluo Wang himself. After the incident, I have only paid back 5 million yuan. Marrying into a “rich family” is really a stable compensation. Now eighteen generations of ancestors have been slandered and speechless. No wonder Ruanfan sells It’s easy to handle.”

Wang Xiaofei immediately refuted Big S’s accusation on Weibo: “Xu Xiyuan, I originally reserved the status of the child’s mother to you, but you opened your eyes and told nonsense today, you are not worthy of being my child’s mother. When we bought the house, I don’t even have an account in Taiwan! I sold the painting and remitted it to your Yongfeng Bank! The down payment was more than 200 million yuan, and then the hotel had an account, so I paid the mortgage from the hotel. I can’t remit money! Do you think remittance is so easy? I asked you to help me through it. At that time, I was buying a house and the hotel was being renovated at the same time. You asked me to write the IOU. When will I give you so many things? Did I ask you to write anything? When you divorced, you said that you don’t have to pay back the money, because the 400 million house was given to you. But after the divorce, you backed down, and I agreed to give it to you. I can’t exchange so much foreign exchange. So I sold a painting worth five million Taiwan dollars, and I will pay you five million first, and the rest will be paid off slowly. The lawyers were there at the time, and everyone can testify! Do you want face? All of this information will be made public!”

He posted again, writing: “Let’s take a look at the divorce agreement we gave you every month. At that time, you said to take good care of the children and asked me to keep the credit card. In the end, I bought millions of things every month. I was surprised. You Why don’t you go out and buy so many clothes? I said you are married, why are you still like this? You said that because your husband is very frugal and lives an ordinary life. At that time, it was because you wanted to buy a house in your name, because This account opened by this room, I will restore the WeChat conversation with your mother back then, and find out the remittance route.” It seems that this divorce grievance is not easy to resolve!

(instant entertainment)

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