the finisher to gain muscle

    The ladder from hell is the full body finisher your muscles need. Four movements, three rounds, and a single goal: to start the year strong. To perform this circuit, start with two sets of 20 repetitions of each exercise; rest 1 minute; move on to another two sets of 21 repetitions; rest 2 minutes and attack the final two sets of 22 repetitions. Ready to crush you?

    The infernal ladder: the full body finisher that your muscles need to grow


    With the weights placed on the floor on the outside of your feet, hinge your hips and knees to grab onto them, creating tension in your body. Take a deep breath and sit up. You have to do 20 repetitions. Deadlift: How Often Should You Do This Exercise?

    2- ARMS UP

    Catch your breath and clean the dumbbells up to your shoulders. She slightly bends her knees and push through her legs to lift the weights over her head. Lower them and do 19 more reps. Control your breathing. Exhale as you come up and breathe in once the dumbbells are over your shoulders.

    3- LEG TURN

    At the end of the previous exercise, keep the weights on your shoulders. Keeping your torso upright, perform a deep squat going down as far as you can. Pause before standing up. Focus on getting as low as you can. How to do squats well and the types that exist.


    Drop the dumbbells between your legs, flexing at the hips. Come back up using the momentum to drive the weights up, first to your shoulders and then overhead. Repeat the entire circuit again following the indicated patterns. You will notice the results throughout 2022.

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