The first sunrise of my life. I felt a tremendous amount of energy![野村康太ブログ]

2024-01-25 12:00:00

Last year was an exciting year as I took on many challenges. I want to take on many challenges this year and make it a year to find a new me!

I would like to continue to make 2024 a year in which I can continue to grow as a men’s non-no model and as an actor, so please support me!

During the year-end and New Year holidays, I ate delicious food with my family, went to visit the New Year’s shrine, and for the first time in my life, I went to see the first sunrise of the year!

It was so beautiful and I felt a tremendous amount of energy from the sun.

I hope I can go see it next year!

Kota Nomura

Kota Nomura

men’s nonno model

From 2023, she will be an exclusive model for Men’s Nonno. My goal is to become a model that makes people think, “I should buy this clothes because Kota Nomura is wearing it.”

#sunrise #life #felt #tremendous #amount #energy野村康太ブログ

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