The five most dangerous foods for health

As is well known, people who maintain a good diet live without major health problems, given that, by consuming a diet made up of foods of natural origin and lean meats, their organs receive the nutrients provided by the aforementioned elements in a good way to its own proper functioning.

“Healthy diets include the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function and stay healthy. In addition, a healthy diet provides enough calories to give us the energy we need to live each day,” the portal indicates about good nutrition. Advocate Health Care.

In turn, these affections end up causing a person to suffer from hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or some type of cancer.

“The World Health Organization (WHO) reminds us that the consumption of inadequate food is a risk factor for developing certain diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, overweight and obesity, cardiovascular diseases and heart disease. cancer”, reports the website Better with Health.

To avoid the conditions mentioned, the consumption of the following five food groups should be avoided at all costs, which are harmful:

  • Sodas and other sugary drinks.
  • Trans fat. (Cookies, cakes, etc.).
  • Refined and added sugar.
  • Saturated fats. (Butter, cheese, ice cream, etc.).
  • Monosodium glutamate.

Food: foods to eat to protect the heart

An organ like the heart, whose function is to pump blood to all parts of the body, can be protected with two simple habits. The first of these is to exercise regularly, at least three times a week.

That is why, the digital platform Catalan West Insurance recommended consuming the following foods that are healthy for the organ in question:

1. Nuts: “Walnuts are dried fruits that, thanks to their contribution of omega-3 fatty acids, help prevent heart problems”explains the site.

2. Olive oil: “A moderate consumption of olive oil helps protect your cardiovascular health. According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, its composition of antioxidants and fatty acids is what offers you the benefits that your heart health needs”.

3. Broccoli: “Broccoli is a vegetable that helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents thanks to its composition of zinc, calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin K and antioxidants.”

4. Salmon: “The salmon It is an excellent source of high quality protein, it also includes vitamins and minerals such as potassium, selenium and vitamin B12. This oily fish is composed of fatty acids such as omega-3 that help fight cholesterol and strengthen your heart muscles, lowering blood pressure and preventing arteries from hardening.

5. Green tea: “One or two cups of green tea a day help prevent cardiovascular diseases, since they help reduce high levels of fat in the blood,” the portal concludes.

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