The food that helps fight osteoporosis and reduce cholesterol

Osteoporosis is a disease that is characterized by thinning and weakening of the bones, they become brittle and can break easily, particularly in the hip, spine and wrist.

Cholesterol, on the other hand, is a waxy, fat-like substance found in every cell in the body. Cholesterol is necessary for the body to produce hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help it digest food.. Also, the body makes all the cholesterol it needs.

The problem arises when you have too much cholesterol in your blood, which can combine with other substances in the blood to form plaque that sticks to the walls of blood vessels. “This accumulation is called arteriosclerosis. It can cause coronary artery disease, which can narrow or even block them, ”they explain in the Medline Plus portal.

For osteoporosis and high cholesterol there are different treatments and natural remedies, one of them is eggplant, which is rich in water, fiber, and also contains potassium and folic acid. It provides vitamin B6, vitamin B1 and magnesium. “As its purple color reflects, the eggplant also contains anthocyanins, with antioxidant action,” they point out on the Body Mind portal.

In the aforementioned portal they highlight that the most valuable properties of the eggplant are not due to its richness in vitamins and minerals, on the contrary, it is due to its specific chemical compounds that are found mainly in the skin and seeds. Experts indicate that these substances, which have a bitter taste, help stimulate the proper functioning of the liver. and emptying of the gallbladder.

According to the portal Cocina Fácil, Eggplant contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, which are essential to prevent the onset of diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and also affections in the heart.

Another benefit of eating eggplant is regulating cholesterol to keep it at optimal levels for the health of the body, this is due to the fiber as the chemical substances found especially in the skin and seeds. “Some compounds in eggplant inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver, while others prevent it from oxidizing and sticking to artery walls”, they indicate in Body Mind.

Eggplant also reduces cholesterol and helps prevent atherosclerosis, as highlighted in the Easy Kitchen portal.

But the benefits of eggplant are not limited to regulating cholesterol and preventing osteoporosis. This vegetable also helps control sugar, which is why experts recommend it for diabetics, as it contains very few carbohydrates, a lot of fiber, which decreases the speed with which sugar from other foods is absorbedand “substances that help keep it under control, such as trigonelline”, as indicated in Body Mmente.

When looking to lose weight, eggplant is an ideal food to include in a healthy diet. Being rich in fiber and low in calories, the aubergine is a food that favors hypocaloric diets or plans to maintain the ideal weight. In addition, fiber promotes the feeling of satiety that prevents excessive consumption of high-calorie foods.

In Business Insider They point out that the eggplant is a food that serves to replace “high-calorie ingredients such as lasagna pasta sheets, or meat.”

Cognitive function benefits from eggplant because of the phytonutrients that can protect brain cell membranes and also aid in the process of transferring messages from one cell to another, resulting in a benefit for memory function.

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