The fruit that inhibits cancer cells that Japanese people eat a lot

The Japanese like to eat this fruit because they are sweet, succulent and rich in vitamins and minerals, very good for health.

Pears are one of the most loved fruits in Japan. Japanese families often use pears as desserts, juice them to drink or use pears in salads… Japanese people like pears because they have a very natural sweetness, are succulent, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. , extremely good for health.

Pears are rich in nutrients. For every 100g of pears, there are 86.5g of water, 0.1g of fat, 0.2g of protein, 11g of carbohydrates, 1.6g of fiber, 14mg of calcium, 13mg of phosphorus, 0.5mg of iron, 0.2mg of vitamin PP, vitamins of group P, C, betacarotene, 1mg folic acid.

In particular, endocrinologist Li Aiguo (specialist in the Department of Endocrinology of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital), said that people with diabetes can also eat pears because this fruit has a low glycemic index and is rich in fiber. in it can slow down the absorption of glucose into the blood. Daily pear consumption improves regular insulin sensitivity and contributes to a reduced risk of complications from diabetes.

In addition, pear is also a fruit that has anti-cancer effects. The reason is because pears contain many anti-cancer substances such as anthocyanins and cinnamics. Some studies show that pears can fight lung cancer, stomach cancer, and bladder cancer. Other studies show that pears also prevent breast cancer and ovarian cancer in women.

Other great health benefits of pears include:

Improve digestion

Pears are very helpful in improving digestive health. Most of the fiber in pears is an insoluble polysaccharide, which means it acts as a facilitator in the gut. This fiber collects food and makes it easier for food to pass through the intestines. It also reduces the risk of constipation, diarrhea, and loose stools.

Losing weight

Besides being high in fiber, pears are low in calories, making them ideal for people who are trying to lose weight. A pear provides only about 100 calories, so it is very suitable to add to your daily diet that can help you stay full for a long time.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Pears are a rich source of flavonoid antioxidants, which help fight inflammation and may reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. In addition, Vitamins C and K contained in pears also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Improve heart health

The presence of fiber in pears gives it the ability to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Fiber cleans up bile acids, which in turn lowers cholesterol levels, keeping both in moderation. Another special element in pears is potassium. Potassium is also known as a vasodilator. It lowers blood pressure, reduces stress on the entire cardiovascular system, and makes it difficult for blood clots to form. Potassium also enhances blood flow to all parts of the body and promotes efficient functioning of organs.

Reduce the risk of diabetes

Pears, especially red-skinned pears, may help reduce the risk of diabetes.

A large study of more than 200,000 people found that eating 5 or more weekly servings of anthocyanin-rich fruits like red pears was associated with a 23% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

Furthermore, the fiber in pears slows down digestion, giving your body more time to break down and absorb carbs. This can also help regulate blood sugar levels, potentially helping to prevent and manage diabetes.

Prevent osteoporosis

In pears contain a lot of boron, a trace mineral that helps the body absorb calcium, so it is very good for bones. Without boron, your body will have difficulty absorbing minerals such as phosphate, magnesium … so your bones will be easily thinned and broken, joints easily calcified.

Good for the immune system

Regular use of pears will help you strengthen your immune system. In pears contain immunity, this substance when entering the body will help your immune system work effectively.

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