The full body routine in 30 minutes to do at home or in the gym

    Training on vacation is always difficult. It doesn’t matter if it’s in summer, Easter or Christmas, that between trips, meals and reunions with friends it is sometimes difficult to find a space to train. Especially if we are away from home and we cannot go to the gym or have our sports equipment usual. But since difficult does not mean impossible, we are lucky that there are routines full body sin material.

    This type of training for us when we travel away from home comes in handy, of course. We only need our own body And now if we have access to them, some weight or other type of accessory to increase the intensity. Well that and a lot of desire to train, of course.

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    well today from the hands of Crys Diazour trainer of last november y personal trainer of many of the celebrities of our country (among which are for example Ana Peleteiro, portada de Women’s Health this November), we have a 30 minute full body routine. She uses some accessories like kettebells and elastic bands but if you don’t have them you can replace them or simply use only your own weight.

    Routine full body 30 minutes

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    How to do the routine: 30” work + 10” rest for each exercise (20 in total). Rest 1:30 to lower pulse and hydrate. Repeat 2 more times and stretch (here we leave you how to stretch correctly so that it is beneficial).

    • full squat: in this exercise we have to do a squat but dividing the movement into three times, each of which we will perform in a controlled manner.
    • Controlled squat with kettebell: This exercise is the same as the previous one but adding a kettebell to the movement. If you don’t have one, you can always use something heavy that you have at home, like a five-liter jug ​​or a heavy encyclopedia.
    • Full jump squat: to the previous movement of three times we add a jump when reaching the top, an extra intensity to raise the heart rate.
    • Skipping: a cardio work in which, on the spot, we have to raise the knees as much as possible.
    • full push ups: You can do this exercise both on your knees and with your legs stretched out, depending on how strong you feel. As with the squats, we have to divide the movement into three, performing all of them in a controlled manner.

      If you can’t make the move, try doing one of these exercises to master push-upsthey will be good for you.

      • Kettebell chest press: As before, if you don’t have a kettebell you can substitute it with a dumbbell or any other weight item you have on hand. Divide the movement into two beats.
      • clap push ups: If you do not have the flexion movement controlled, this exercise can be done without the clap. If you seem strong and capable, try doing it all the way.
      • Plank with arm work: from a plank position on hands, make alternating movements forward with one arm and then with the other.
      • side squat: From a sumo squat position, move to the side doing a small bend in your right leg. When you return to the starting position, bring your knee to your chest and repeat the movement. Do about 15-20 repetitions and change legs.

        If you want to see more squat variations to incorporate into your workouts here we leave you 30 different types.

        • Lateral squat with kettebell: This movement is the same as the previous one but without the knee to chest rise and adding a kettebell to give more intensity.
        • Lateral squat with kettebell and elastic band: to the classic lateral squat we add a band on the thighs to give it more intensity.
        • jump squat: add a kettebell and an elastic band to work your thighs even more.
        • Press militar with one hand kettebell: an exercise that will burn our arms and back, of course.
        • Side vents with one-hand kettebell: If you have dumbbells at home, you can also do the openings with both arms at the same time, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
        • Kettebell clean: You can do it either with both hands, like Crys, or with just one.



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