“The god Petro threw Gaviria, the traitor out of his paradise”: Salud Hernández-Mora


“Now it will turn out that Alejandro Gaviria is a poor victim. The last leak of a document was the straw that exceeded patience. And for the god Petro, it is a sin like Eve’s apple. Unforgivable. He expelled him from paradise ”: Salud Hernández-Mora.


He is no hero, no coherent politician. Now it will turn out that Alejandro Gaviria who did a triple somersault to land in the Historical Pact is a poor victim of the evil Petro. Well, what a pity, but I do not join the mourners who scream for their leader kicked out of the government.

The former rector of the Andes believed that the award for the betrayal of Sergio Fajardo and Jorge Enrique Robledo, and the betrayal of their ideas, could be enjoyed for as long as he wanted. Which was until August. Well, he sees that no. The last leak of a document was the last straw that broke Petro’s patience.

And for the god Petro, that sin as Eve’s apple. Unforgivable. She expelled him from paradise. Alejandro Gaviria had no dignity when Petro entered the government and, even less, when he continued despite the fact that they shouted that Health had been a business for the rich, little less than to kill the poor.

And Gaviria had been in charge of the Ministry for six years. Do not pretend with this throw to the kicks to recover the dignity that he never had.

Gaviria and his people cannot speak of dignity when Petro lied with absolute shamelessness and had the shamelessness to publish photos of Venezuela to criticize past governments. It was a new dart against him. He was the Minister of Health who held the position for the longest years. And he swallowed that unworthy, reprehensible fallacy of a whole Head of State.

It must be remembered that the distrust of Gaviria comes from afar. Before him he had leaked his letter with his own objections to the Corcho reform, something that he did not like in the palace. And now they have published the secret sheets that he made with his colleagues from the Treasury and Agriculture. It doesn’t matter if it was him or not. All fingers pointed at him.

Now the Alexandrians will want to make him a hero, the politician who was guillotined for remaining faithful to his ideals. They will want to launch him for some position in the October elections. Well, I anticipate another sure defeat. Gaviria helped Petro climb up, against his principles, and he will betray again whoever provokes him.

The staging of Petro in his presidential address sends a forceful message: the Ministers of Health and Labor are my two stony columns. Be careful if they touch me. Behind, the other wayward ministers who will leave in the coming months: Finance and Agriculture. Here, the one that moves does not appear in the photo.

The dismissals of the communist Patricia Ariza and her faithful María José Urrutia also represent a forceful gesture towards the rest of the cabinet. He takes out the faithful follower that he needs to distribute jam or to fulfill her whims. Ariza did not want to launch the orchestras in the image and likeness of the Venezuelan ace, as Petro longed for and for that he sent his wife to Caracas.

Urrutia says that 67% of his ministry’s budget went to the payroll of 2,700 employees and left a thousand to be able to spend on what really matters. And see that, although they were both Petristas, they poured dirty water on them. That they were removed for inept.

Remember that Petro changed almost 40 senior positions in his first year as mayor, that Antonio Navarro couldn’t stand it, and that the peaceful García Peña described him as a despot. “A despot of the left, because he is of the left, does not stop being a despot,” he wrote in his resignation letter from the mayor’s office.

Petro started the sieve. Either they are with him or they leave Olympus.

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