The Health Benefits of Cardamom: Aromatic Spice for Winter Wellness

2023-12-29 12:07:02

Aromatic spice will help the body in winter

Nutritionist Sofya Eliashevich spoke about the beneficial properties of cardamom, reports This spice is rich in antioxidants. It contains glutathione, which promotes recovery from viral illnesses. Cardamom prolongs youth and reduces the risk of cancer. It can be added to tea and coffee, baked goods and main dishes.

In India, it is customary to drink masala drink – black tea with cardamom. Green cardamom, cloves, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, bay leaf, and milk are added to it. To prepare masala, you need to grind the spices. Add one teaspoon of spice mixture, two teaspoons of tea and ginger to the pan. Pour the mixture with water and boil for a couple of minutes. Finally add milk and strain. Healthy tea with spices is ready. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

We previously reported which product will prolong intestinal health.

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