The Health Benefits of Lycopene: Anti-Cancer Effects and Immunity Enhancement in Tomatoes

2023-06-07 08:15:31

Contains the antioxidant lycopene… Anti-cancer effect and immunity enhancement

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There is a European proverb that says, “When tomatoes ripen red, doctors turn blue.” This proverb metaphorically expresses that eating tomatoes will make you feel better enough to avoid going to the hospital.

Tomatoes are recognized as a healthy food enough to be selected as one of the top 10 superfoods selected by the US Times. Tomatoes contain many nutrients, such as various organic acids, amino acids, rutin, protein, sugar, ash, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.

The biggest reason tomatoes have received attention as a health food is because of the ingredient called ‘lycopene’. Lycopene, an antioxidant, has the effect of suppressing the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells and strengthening immunity. It is particularly effective for prostate cancer, breast cancer, and stomach cancer.

Blood pressure control and hypertension prevention – Tomatoes contain a lot of potassium, which lowers the tension in blood vessels and facilitates blood flow. In addition, lycopene and vitamin C in tomatoes help prevent aging and cholesterol in blood vessels, and help keep blood pressure healthy.

bone healthTomatoes are rich in calcium and vitamin K. Calcium builds bones, and vitamin K prevents this calcium from escaping. Tomatoes are also helpful for bone health and have the effect of preventing osteoporosis.

skin beauty – Tomato lycopene lowers the level of active oxygen in the skin and can prevent aging. Lycopene suppresses the production of melanin pigment to get rid of blemishes and spots, and vitamin C helps with elasticity and skin regeneration, making it possible to create elastic and healthy skin.

gut healthTomatoes have a lot of moisture and fiber, which activates intestinal movement and has the effect of making the intestines strong and healthy. As intestinal health is activated, constipation activity is naturally improved.

diet – Tomatoes are high in water and fiber, which makes you feel full and helps you lose weight. Nutritional imbalance is easy to occur when dieting, but tomatoes contain various vitamins and minerals, so they supplement nutrients that are easily lacking, making them a good diet food. In addition, lycopene has the effect of suppressing the synthesis of fat by controlling hormones that feel appetite.

Fatigue Relief – Vitamin C and various organic acids in tomatoes prevent the secretion of lactic acid that causes fatigue and promote metabolism in the body, so it is effective in relieving fatigue. As vitamin C promotes metabolism in the body, it also helps to strengthen immunity.

strengthen immunity – Tomatoes contain various nutrients such as vitamin C, essential amino acids, calcium, iron, and vitamins, which help prevent various diseases. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, which acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the immune system.

Precautions when eating tomatoes– If sugar is added to tomatoes, vitamin B may not be absorbed and blood sugar may increase, so diabetic patients should be careful. In addition, unripe tomatoes contain a toxic component called solanine, which can cause stomach pain or diarrhea. If you have a bad stomach, if you eat a lot, it can cause gastrointestinal disorders, so it’s good to consume it in moderation.

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