The Health Benefits of Making Love: A Form of Physical Exercise

2023-06-18 18:44:04

Did you know that making love can be considered a form of physical exercise? Researchers monitored volunteers while they walked on a treadmill and during their usual sexual activity. They compared the heart rate, blood pressure and the feeling of effort. Result: making love is less exhausting than the treadmill!

On an intensity scale of 1 to 5, men rated treadmill exercise 4.6 and sex 2.7. Sex was even less taxing on women in terms of heart rate, blood pressure, and perceived intensity of exertion.

​Making love: an exercise in its own right

In fact, sexual activity equates to light to moderate exercise intensity. For example, a man consumes about 3.5 METS (metabolic equivalents) during sex, which is about the same as foxtrotting, raking leaves, or playing ping pong. Making love burns about five calories per minute, four more than a man watching TV, but it’s about the same as walking on a golf course.

The role of excitement

Sex, of course, is different from other physical activities because excitement and stress can increase adrenaline production. This hormone, produced by both mental excitement and physical exercise, can trigger heart attacks and arrhythmias. But rest assured, in practice it is very rare for sex to cause such incidents, at least when it comes to conventional sex with a familiar partner. Rigorous studies show that less than 1 in 100 heart attacks are related to sexual activity, and for fatal arrhythmias, the rate is 1 in 200.

Also read: Making love and heart: a relationship without fear

Drugs for erectile dysfunction and heart health

It is important to note that men with heart conditions who use erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra, should exercise caution. These medications are generally safe for men with stable coronary artery disease and well-controlled hypertension, as long as they are not using nitrate medications. These can cause a dangerous interaction with medications for erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, other treatments for erectile function are safe for men with heart disease, even if they use nitrates.

Safety first!

Sexual activity is a normal part of human life. For all men, whether or not they have heart disease, the best way to make sex safe is to stay in shape by avoiding tobacco, exercising regularly, eating a good diet, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding excessive (or insufficient) alcohol consumption. It goes without saying that men should not initiate sexual activity if they feel unwell, and those who experience possible cardiac symptoms during lovemaking should discontinue sexual activity immediately.

By following these simple guidelines and precautions, making love is safe for the heart – but it should also be safe for the rest of the body. Sexually transmitted diseases pose a greater risk than heart problems induced by sexual activity. When it comes to making love, men should use their brains as well as their hearts.

So, ladies, don’t hesitate to make love safely. Not only is it pleasant, but it can also contribute to your overall health, with complete peace of mind! Enjoy these moments of passion and joy, because they are also good for your heart.

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