The ideal snack to limit the risk of heart disease

Walnuts may help reduce the risk of heart disease, according to researchers in Oslo. They recommend eating it daily, up to about 30 grams.

Small cravings between meals are commonplace. But it is important not to be tempted by everything and anything. According to a study conducted by Swedish and Norwegian scientists, published in the journal Food and Nutrition and relayed by the Daily maileating nuts and seeds daily could be the ideal snack because they are particularly good for the heart.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers looked at 60 studies, sifting through data from 1.9 million participants. The goal: to determine if there is a link between the consumption of nuts and seeds and the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

And to their surprise, the results showed that those with a “high” intake of seeds and nuts, around 30 grams, were 19% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and 23% less likely to die from it. , compared to those who consumed only “low” levels.

VIDEO – Dr Christian Recchia: “Type 2 diabetes is an epidemic that affects almost 500 million people worldwide”

Choose almonds, pistachios and walnuts for cholesterol

But as scientists have regretted, very few people would eat that amount of seeds and nuts per day. For example, the British eat only 6 grams of nuts and seeds a day, while Americans eat only 1 gram on average.

Note that almonds, pistachios and walnuts seem to be the best nuts to eat when it comes to lowering cholesterol. They would thus prevent the accumulation of fat in the arteries, which is one of the main risk factors for heart attacks.

VIDEO – Nuts, almonds and hazelnuts… long live oilseeds!

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