The Ideological Clash: OpenAI, Microsoft, and the Future of AI

2023-11-24 17:29:00
OpenAI and Microsoft: “Beyond AI, we are witnessing an ideological clash between two visions of progress”

Q* would represent a significant breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence. It is a model capable of solving logical problems in a manner similar to a human being, raising concerns about its potential impact on the future of humanity. According to, researchers at OpenAI expressed their concerns in a letter to the company’s board of directors, highlighting the existence of a “powerful discovery about artificial intelligence that, according to them, could threaten humanity”.

A justified concern?

The ethical question surrounding the development of artificial intelligence would reach a new height with the emergence of Q*. As generative artificial intelligences continue to develop, concerns about their impact on the job market and the possibility of loss of control over these systems are becoming increasingly pressing.

The concern about Q* is not just about its problem-solving abilities, but also about the possibility that it represents a leap toward superintelligence, a stage where artificial intelligence would surpass human intelligence. If so, this raises fundamental questions about the ethical implications and security measures surrounding such developments.

The initial firing of Sam Altman could be interpreted as an immediate reaction to the concerns raised by the researchers’ letter. However, his quick reinstatement as CEO adds an element of mystery to the story.

Will you soon be condemned to idleness and universal income if you are not competitive with AI?
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