The Impact of Harmful Intestinal Bacteria on Dieting Willpower: Lady Kyunghyang Article

2023-12-31 00:47:00

Harmful bacteria in the intestines ruin the brain area of ​​’will to diet’ – Lady Kyunghyang’; } else { if (rnd == 0) { var cls=”bnr_extend”; var cls2 = ‘contBn_foot bnr_extend’; var ad_BCA = ”; } else { var cls=””; var cls2 = ‘contBn_foot’; var ad_BCA = ”; } } $(‘#mAdsBottom’).attr(‘class’, cls2); $(‘#mAdsBottom’).html(ad_BCA); $(‘#footer’).removeClass(‘gg_ad’); $(‘#footer’).addClass(cls); $(‘.btn-gotop’).removeClass(‘appuse’); $(‘.btn-gotop’).addClass(cls); if ($(‘#ad_BCA’).length > 0 && $(‘#CloseCallLayer’).length > 0) { $(‘#CloseCallLayer’).click(function() { //$(‘#CloseCall’) .hide(); //$(‘#ad_BCA’).hide(); $(‘#mAdsBottom’).hide(); $(‘#footer’).addClass(‘gg_ad’); $(‘# footer’).removeClass(cls); $(‘.btn-gotop’).removeClass(cls); $(‘.btn-gotop’).addClass(‘appuse’); }); } }
#Harmful #bacteria #intestines #ruin #brain #region #responsible #dieting

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