The impact of physical activity on the quality of sleep in seniors

2023-10-18 06:11:56

Sleep is an essential element for well-being and quality of life, particularly among seniors. A good night’s restful sleep promotes better overall mental and physical health, as well as maintaining independence. However, as we age, it can be more difficult to get quality sleep. One of the best ways to improve the quality of your sleep is to regularly practice physical activity adapted to your abilities and needs. In this article, find out how physical activity influences the quality of sleep in seniors and what are the most recommended activities.

The positive effects of physical activity on sleep in seniors

Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise significantly improves sleep quality in seniors. In fact, it promotes a better balance between the waking and sleeping phases.

However, the importance of the sleep environment itself should not be overlooked. So, choose the right bed, such as the tediber bed sized 90×200 cm for a person or the 160×200 cm bed for a couple, can also play an essential role in the search for quality sleep for the elderly.

Reduced anxiety and stress

Physical activity releases endorphins, which are hormones that have a pain-relieving and relaxing effect, thus helping to reduce anxiety and stress accumulated during the day. Consequently, bedtime will be less restless and conducive to deep and restorative sleep.

Improvement in the quality of sleep cycles and phases

Practicing physical activities encourages a better balance of sleep cycles and phases. This means that seniors who regularly engage in physical activity generally benefit from better periods of deep sleep (slow-wave sleep). This sleep is restorative for the mind and body.

Physical activities recommended to improve sleep in seniors

There are several types of physical activities recommended for seniors seeking to optimize the quality of their sleep. Here are a few :

  • Walking/strolling: simple and accessible, walking is an ideal technique to promote good sleep. A daily walk helps with energy balance and soothes the mind from accumulated tensions.
  • Aquagym: this activity allows gentle muscle strengthening, without trauma to the joints. It also activates blood and lymphatic circulation, which can help relieve certain pain.
  • Garden tai chi: this martial art from China combines slow movements and deep breathing. It works on balance and coordination, while developing flexibility and muscular strength. Tai chi helps release physical and mental tension, which is beneficial for the quality of sleep.
  • Yoga: this ancient Indian practice places great emphasis on relaxation and breathing. Since yoga can be adapted according to levels and needs, it is perfectly suited to seniors. It improves mobility, balance and strengthens muscles, while promoting a peaceful mind.

Some tips for integrating physical activity into the daily lives of seniors

Choose a suitable activity

For physical activity to be effective and enjoyable, it is essential to choose a discipline adapted to your age, abilities and personal tastes. It is possible to try several types of activities to find the one that best suits each person.

Finding the right time to practice

It is advisable to avoid doing too intense physical activity just before bedtime, as this can have a stimulating effect on the body and make it difficult to fall asleep. The ideal is to exercise at the beginning or middle of the day to take full advantage of the relaxing effects on sleep.

Favor regularity rather than intensity

To benefit from the benefits on sleep, it is recommended to practice physical activity regularly, at least 3 times a week. It is better to opt for moderate sessions rather than too intense which can cause pain and slow down motivation.

The fundamental impact of the environment on sleep quality

In addition to practicing regular physical activity, you should also pay attention to the quality of your sleeping environment. A suitable and comfortable bed ensures a good night’s rest.

  • Opt for a mattress that guarantees excellent sleeping independence, optimal support and exceptional sleep ergonomics.
  • Ensure the room is ventilated to benefit from healthy, fresh air when going to bed.
  • Favor a calm and darkened environment, thus creating the best conditions conducive to falling asleep.

In summary, physical activity proves to be an invaluable ally for the quality of sleep in seniors. By adopting an active lifestyle, older adults can significantly contribute to their well-being by promoting more restful sleep. This is why encouraging and supporting physical activity in this population remains a priority for their overall health.

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