The invention that will replace cell phones according to Bill Gates

The technological revolution is in full swing and promises to take conventional devices to another level. This time, the technology built into smartphones could be on the skin, a development now being tested in healthcare.

Throughout history they have been various medical devices that are incorporated into the human body, the best known being the pacemaker, which is now being taken to nanotechnology. Others are added to this, such as glucose meters or “patches” incorporated into the body that send information such as real-time blood pressure from patients to their doctors and other types of behavior.

Now, companies have set their sights on an innovation that would change the relationship with technology, transcending devices wearables to the tech tats or electronic tattooswhich are worn on the skin and they have microprocessors – just like smart watches and other gadgets – so they are built directly into the body.

This was already mentioned by tycoon Bill Gates, creator of Microsoft, who had stated his intention to take technology to another level. What is now used for the collection of medical information, the billionaire wants to make it more complex so that it can be used as a smartphone.

In this way, those who have this type of tattoo, which would be temporary and will have a special ink that combines chips and technological developments, they could make calls, receive messages and share location in real time.

It would take at least a decade for these tattoos to be developed effectively, but it is known that they would have small sensors and trackers powered by a special ink capable of conducting electricity.

However, This technology, according to sources close to Gates, would have nothing to do with the implementation of population control chips or a variant of the development of 5G technology, from which the tycoon has distanced himself on different occasions, especially since the coronavirus pandemic began, when through false information he was linked to this type of technological conspiracy.

On this, Gates flatly rejected this “crazy” theory and said that he has no idea where such a statement came from and that both he and his foundation they have no interest and implement 5G chips.

This topic will be touched by the tycoon in his publication that will be released on May 3: How to prevent the next pandemica book in which he lists the lessons left by the coronavirus pandemic and some tips to follow so that the world does not stop.

“In the book, I lay out the concrete steps we can take to not only stop future pandemics, but also to provide better health care for everyone in the world,” Gates said, according to Infobae.

The most demanded professions in the future, according to Bill Gates

Without a doubt, Bill Gates has become a certain guru regarding the future of the world. For this reason, many people who have followed his career eagerly await both his literary recommendations and his predictions (several times correct, including his most recent prophecy about the coronavirus).

This time the tycoon wanted to expose what he considered would be the most required careers and professions or with more field of action in the near future.

Recently, an interviewer from the United States asked Gates what, in his opinion, are the best professions that everyone should study to have a secure job for the future.

The tycoon immediately replied that the most demanded careers they would be those related to science, engineering and economics, since he considers that all these professionals are “agents of change for all institutions”.

Science and Engineering

You will not necessarily work programming or writing codebut you do need to understand what engineers do and what they can’t do,” says Gates.

Virtual work meetings

Another of the employer’s predictions regarding the workplace is the permanence of the virtual or remote model for work meetings. This was announced in one of his posts on his personal blog.

He also confessed the difficulties he experienced during 2021 and stressed that, when he founded Microsoft, he never thought that computers would become the only means of connection with the world, as happened in times of isolation.

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