The Iran nuclear agreement and the European movement… Are there any chances for signing!?

It seems clear to all observers that the current month of January is still witnessing a political movement adopted by some European parties, in several directions, regionally and internationally. New York to Riyadh to Brussels to Tehran and Vienna. These capitals and cities have witnessed and will witness meetings, conferences, secret and public messages, many rumors, optimism and great ambiguity. The Iranian gate, but despite all these European moves, and the effort to sign the Iranian nuclear agreement, it is necessary to highlight here a number of obstacles that will impede the imminent arrival of this agreement.

Today, there is a clear internal movement in Washington, led by Congressional Republicans in partnership with the Zionist lobby, aiming to disrupt any path of the Biden administration, which goes towards signing an early agreement with the Iranians regarding their nuclear file. Washington’s internal movement opposing an early signing of a nuclear agreement with the Iranians coincided with media messages he sent Congressional Republicans to the Iranians, warning them in its content that any nuclear agreement with America will end its legitimacy with the end of the legitimacy of US President Biden. This confirms the existence of a systematic campaign within the United States that seeks forcefully to discourage the American administration from its endeavor to sign the Iran nuclear agreement early.

Washington’s internal movement opposing an early signing with the Iranians regarding their nuclear file is an echo of the opposition of Washington’s allies in the region, and behind the scenes to an early signing with the Iranians regarding their nuclear file. This internal opposition in Washington, which is an echo of the opposition of Washington’s allies in the region, is also accompanied by an escalation of Unprecedented by Washington’s allies in the region, to denounce the position of the US administration seeking to turn the tables on all its allies in the region through an early signing of the nuclear agreement with the Iranians. This is how Washington’s allies speak…at least in the Zionist entity “Israel”, and in Riyadh, despite the reassuring messages sent by my envoys Biden to the Gulf Cooperation Council countries recently. It seems clear that the Gulf people, especially the Saudis among them, were not convinced of the sincerity of American intentions. This is how they speak publicly and add that, on the day after the signing of Iran’s nuclear agreement with the West, they will be forced to open the door wide to a nuclear arms race in the region and the region as a whole. .

Turning to Iran, which is the partner concerned with the nuclear agreement, today there are conservative forces inside Iran that completely oppose the course of these understandings with the West, because they see that the Iranian nuclear program is an Iranian internal affair and works within a peaceful system. Iran’s peaceful nuclear program? Why do the Iranians bargain with others over their legitimate rights? Why does the West not deal with the Zionist entity, which possesses a nuclear military arsenal of 290 nuclear least as it deals with the Iranians? It has recently formed a pressure factor on the Iranian negotiating team. Today, many influential voices have begun to rise inside Iran, categorically opposing any technical, security, or political concessions from the Iranian state to the West, in return for agreeing on a quick solution to Iran’s nuclear file with the West.

All of these indications coming from more than one direction… It is natural that they constitute a factor of pressure on decision makers and makers, who are mainly concerned with reaching an agreement on the Iranian nuclear file. Regarding their nuclear file, just as the Iranian negotiator with the West has begun to clearly realize that the Iranian regional, international and internal climate in particular does not help prepare the appropriate ground for completing a path that ends with an early signing of Iran’s nuclear agreement with the West. Today, the US administration does not want to lose its allies in the region and in the Gulf, especially the Saudis who are They have a strategic partnership relationship with Washington that spans more than seven decades, the bridges of which were built by the late Saudi King Abdulaziz Al Saud and US President Roosevelt, just as the US administration does not want to enter into long quarrels with Republicans in Congress who support the position of the Zionist entity, and strongly oppose the signing of an absolute Western agreement with Iran regarding its nuclear file.

In conclusion, it seems that all indications go in the direction of postponing the signing of the 5 + 1 forces of the nuclear agreement with the Iranians. What is the absence of an international and regional ground and climate at this stage in particular, which prepares the turbulent international and regional climate in general to accept the repercussions and dimensions of this agreement at this stage in particular, and yet we will wait for the coming days to give us more answers that will confirm or deny all of these data mentioned above, coinciding with the existence Western and regional fear of a foolishness that may be committed by the politicians and generals of the Zionist entity, at the instigation and support of some forces in the region, by going towards military action against Iran’s nuclear interests.

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