The largest wasp in Europe observed in Belgium

This giant wasp is a southern European species, the northernmost traces of which previously detected were in the Czech Republic. The insect is easy to recognize by its imposing size, about 4 centimeters. Its body is entirely black with four yellow spots and a head of the same color. Good news: this wasp is harmless to humans.

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A first observation of the species in our country was reported on June 26 via A dead specimen was found in Bellegem, on the terrace of a person who had not yet been to southern Europe recently. “It is always difficult to be sure that the insect did not come from France, or from another country around the Mediterranean, for example through travel or the import of goods”, explains Natuurpunt.

A few days later, insect specialist Arno Thomaes found a second individual of the species in the center of Saint-Nicolas. The wasp had landed on an artichoke flower in his garden, but immediately flew away. When she returned, he was able to take a picture of her and discover that it was a 42 millimeter female wasp.

According to Natuurpunt, these two occurrences cannot be the result of chance. The species, like many other insects, is likely taking advantage of global warming to move north.

It is not excluded that other specimens will be spotted in Belgium in the coming days. It remains to be seen whether the giant wasp will permanently settle in our country or not. The insect can indeed travel great distances, which makes a trip from the south of France plausible, but this does not mean that it will be able to survive our winters. A mystery that will be lifted if we discover, within a few months, wasps wintering with us. According to Natuurpunt, such a scenario would however take several years.

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