The latest pictures of the Renaissance Dam.. New preparation for storage and ramping of the corridor

The latest satellite images of the Renaissance Dam, taken today, Friday, revealed that the Ethiopian authorities continue to elevate the middle passage in the dam and empty some other dams in preparation for the flood and storage season.

The images revealed, according to what the Egyptian expert, Dr. Abbas Sharaki, told Al that work to raise the middle corridor of the Renaissance Dam has been going on for about a month, and there are no confirmed numbers about the extent of the current rise despite the circulation of reaching the level of 581 m with an increase of 5 m, as Ethiopia aims to reach a level of 581 m. 595 AD since the first storage, summer 2020.

He said that there are a few weeks left until the onset of heavy rains, which is scheduled for the first of next July, which will lead to a partial emptying of dams in Ethiopia, the most important of which is the Takzi Dam on the Atbara River, where it stores 9.5 billion m3 to receive 3 billion new ones.

Roseires Dam on the Blue Nile

He pointed out that in Sudan, there is the Roseires Dam on the Blue Nile, which stores 6 billion m3, the Upper Atbara and Setit dams, with 3.7 billion m3, and the Khashm al-Qirba Dam 0.5 billion m3, while the Marwa Dam, which is the largest Sudanese dam, has 12.5 billion m3, which is the closest to the Egyptian border. It is about 1,000 km long and operates regularly until today.

Sharaki confirmed that this dam discharge increased a few days ago, and it is expected that this water will reach the High Dam within two weeks from now, noting that the discharge from the Renaissance Dam is still continuing through the eastern disposal gate, in addition to a small amount of operating turbine No. 10.

The director of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam had confirmed, a week ago, in statements to Al-Arabiya, that Egypt and Sudan may be affected by the filling operations of the dam, noting that the third filling will be in the coming August and September, ruling out stopping the third filling process, considering it an automatic process.

He revealed that the energy that was launched from the dam has entered the electricity network in Ethiopia, stressing that the process of building the Renaissance Dam will not stop for any reason.

He said that the dam is impenetrable and any talk about its dangers and the possibility of its collapse is incorrect, adding that Ethiopia has exchanged information about the dam with Egypt and Sudan.

It is noteworthy that Egypt had reiterated that the Renaissance Dam is linked to an “existential issue” for Egypt and its people, while efforts have not yet resulted in an agreement on the dam, which raises concerns in Cairo and Khartoum over their water quotas.

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