the left downplays the presence of the Spada clan, it’s serious –

There is a storm over the “invitation to silence” from the mini-mayor of municipality “The attitude of minimizing the presence of the Spada clan in Ostia on the part of the Democratic Party President of the Falconi’s is a very serious attitude which we blame and condemn”, Maurizio Gasparri, president of the senators of Forza Italia, tells AdnKronos, after the invitation that the president of municipality of the Council asking everyone to avoid the uproar over the case of the teacher attacked by a woman from the Spada family.

For the Italian group leader, former Roman coordinator of Fi “this affair demonstrates the hypocrisy of the left which is guaranteeist when it suits it and forks when it suits it, creates alarmism by criminalizing entire territories and, instead, when it should take initiatives or demonstrate firmness it tries to deny the evidence of the facts. They criticize and avoid the press that does its duty and then accuse others of wanting to gag. No one lowers their head in front of those who call for silence when, instead, it is the moment to raise their voice” .

#left #downplays #presence #Spada #clan #Tempo
2024-05-13 02:12:46

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