The Link Between Salt Consumption and Type 2 Diabetes Risk Revealed: Study Finds

2023-11-05 04:30:41
Salt is on display at a large supermarket in Seoul on the 12th of last month. /News 1

Research has shown that consuming a lot of salt as well as sugar increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

A research team at Tulane University in the United States announced that they obtained these results by surveying the salt intake of more than 400,000 adults registered in the UK Biobank. This study was published in the American academic journal ‘Mayo Clinic Proceedings’.

Researchers analyzed 13,120 cases of type 2 diabetes over an average follow-up period of 11.9 years. The study found that participants who ‘sometimes’, ‘usually’ and ‘always’ added salt had a 13%, 20% and 39% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who ‘never’ or ‘rarely’ consumed salt, respectively. .

The reason why high salt intake affects diabetes is not fully understood. However, the research team believes that salt causes people to consume more food, increasing the likelihood of developing risk factors such as obesity and inflammation. Studies have also shown a link between high salt intake and higher body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio.

The research team said, “It is known that limiting salt can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure, but this study is the first to show that removing salt from the diet may also help prevent type 2 diabetes.” “We need to find a way to add seasoning to food without sodium,” he said.

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