The Longest Development Time in History: The Next ‘Decisive Moment’ Game

2023-12-02 01:11:00

▲ The development time of the next “Decisive Moment” will be the longest in history. (Photo / Reprinted from AutoVision Blizzard) Reporter Lou Yunling / Comprehensive report on the annual new year game “Decisive Moment”. It was previously reported that employees revealed that the development time was too fast and only took a year and a half. Now there is more news about the new game to be released next year. There are new rumors that it is said that “The Call of Duty” released in 2024 will be set during the Persian Gulf War in the early 1990s, and may become one of the games that constitute the “Call of Call: Black Ops” series.
[廣告] Read on ↓ According to multiple sources, the new game will return to more traditional military combat. Unlike the modern and near-future technologies seen in Modern Warfare and other recent Call of Duty games, the game will focus on The multiple forces involved in the Persian Gulf War, with a focus on the different characters involved. As for the new game in the “Call of Call” series, there have been many rumors on Twitter (X) that there will be a remastered map of the “Call of Call Black Ops” series. The game is currently deciding on related mechanisms such as pre-order rewards and early bird rewards. Others Not many details about the development status have been leaked yet, and it is inferred that there should be more new gossip as time goes by. The development team currently plans to release the new work in late autumn to early winter of 2024. It is said that this work will be the longest development work in the “Decisive Hour” series, so the outside world’s expectations for this work may be higher than other works. Come higher.

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