The Love Story of Lali Espósito and Pedro Rosemblat: Unveiling the Truth

2024-02-13 21:25:00

La One revealed that she knew about the courtship before it appeared in the media. “She had told me that she had fallen in love with a beautiful peroncoho,” told on Karina Mazzocco’s program.

The former star highlighted that Pedro is “a divine kid” and he thinks they get along very well with Lali: “He is very handsome. I find what he does funny. She has a nice head. And Lali has a lot of brain, heart, talent, everything.”.

Moria recalled that he is betting on the couple’s growth. “The two have met and are in full love. It gives me pleasure to see them both so happy. They are living a honeymoon,” hill.

Pedro Rosemblat’s blunt opinion on the crossing of Lali Espósito and Javier Milei

In a note with Show Partners (El Trece), the journalist Pedro Rosemblat spoke about his relationship with Lali Esposito after the confirmation of the romance and the photos that were known of the days relaxing on the beach.

The Gelatina driver acknowledged that it generated a certain “Vertigo” upon seeing the impact that his relationship with the pop star unleashed in the media. “I get a little dizzy about the topic. Lali has a lot of impact on networks. It’s logical”.

At the same time, Rosemblat highlighted that he had long been attracted to the actress and singer: “I always liked it. It’s a cape. I’ve seen it work in a lot of places. We share a generation. I saw her in series and movies. In the last 15 years he has been with music. “I saw her work all her life.”.

On the other hand, the journalist referred to the harsh questions that Lali received for his critical stance on the Government of Javier Milei. Rosemblat tried to be cautious when speaking so as not to harm his partner, who is criticized by the militants of Freedom Advances every time he gives his opinion: “I have a clear and known political position. I think that anything I say can be harmful in some way.“.

In any case, the Gelatina driver warned that these are times of great attack on those who think differently: “There is something that is happening at this time is that when someone speaks out, in this case a popular artist, they already they try to denigrate and stigmatize her.

At the end, Rosemblat highlighted that Lali always receives a lot of affection on the street, beyond the questions that are asked of her on the networks by the president’s admirers. They tried to demonize a beloved figure the size of her. Every time I see her in an everyday situation she receives a lot of love and it is moving. “A noise is generated on social networks that does not exist on the street,” hill.

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