The most important astronomical phenomena and events for the month of January 2022

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Dr. Ashraf Tadros, former head of the Department of Astronomy at the National Institute for Astronomical and Geophysical Research, published the most important astronomical events for the month of January 2022. On his Facebook page, Tadros said: Please keep in mind that all observations of astronomical phenomena and events require clear air and a vacuum. The sky is clouds, dust and water vapor. Tadros continued that all observations of astronomical events and phenomena do not have any harm to human health or daily activity on Earth, with the exception of a solar eclipse, as looking at it with the naked eye is very harmful to the eye. Read also | The events and phenomena that will decorate the night sky during the next year, and “Tadros astronomical events” during a month are summarized in a number of phenomena: Jupiter is the highest planet in the western sky, followed by Saturn, then Mercury, then Venus .. It is also noted that the planet Mars (marked in red) rises at dawn before sunrise throughout January, and continues to be seen until it disappears in the light of the morning twilight as a result of sunrise. . January 2 – New Moon (new moon in January). The moon rises with the sun and sets with it on that day when the moon’s luminous face is toward the sun and the dark face or shadow is toward the earth. Therefore, the moon will not be visible in the sky all night on that day, which is the best time of the month to view faint celestial bodies such as galaxies, star clusters, and constellations. Away. The crescent moon joins the view of the four planets starting on January 3 for only a few minutes just after sunset, then the moon begins to rise gradually as the days progress. January 3-4 – Quaternary meteor shower, an average meteor shower, with up to 40 meteors per hour, assuming the sky is dark and the air is clear, and is caused by meteor remnants. The ancient asteroid known as 2003 EH1, which was discovered in 2003. The crescent will be absent later. Early that evening the sky was left completely dark, but the best time to see meteor showers is after midnight away from the city lights, provided the sky is clear and free of clouds, dust, and water vapor. These meteors fall as if they came from the constellation Howl (Boots), but they can appear anywhere else in the sky. The moon is conjunct Saturn on January 4, then merges with Jupiter on January 6, then rises in the sky and appears square on January 9. The two planets Mercury and Saturn unite on January 13, when they appear to be approaching in the western sky. [الاقتران كما شرحناه من قبل هو اقتراب جرم سماوي من جرم سماوي اخر في حدود عدد من الدرجات القوسية عندما يتم مشاهدتهما من الأرض .. وهو اقتراب زاوي ظاهري غير حقيقي ، أما المسافة الحقيقة بين هذين الجرمين فهي كبيرة جدا تقدر بمئات الملايين او المليارات من الكيلو مترات]. January 7 – Mercury’s elongation We note that Mercury lined up with Venus on December 30, then began to gradually rise and became higher than Venus in the western sky, reaching the maximum elongation from the sun on January 7 by about 19.2 degrees, which is the best time to view and photograph Mercury, [الإستطالة كما شرحناها من قبل هي الزاوية الظاهرية بين الشمس وأحد الكواكب الداخلية (عطارد أو الزهرة) عندما تقاس من الارض ، وتبلغ استطالة كوكب الزهرة أكبر من كوكب عطارد ، لذلك يُرى كوكب الزهرة بطريقة أسهل ولفترة أطول من كوكب عطارد ذو الإستطالة الأقل] . January 17 – Full Moon (the full moon is in January) The moon continues to increase in size until it appears to us as a full moon in the period from 16 to 19. As for the full moon, it will be on January 17, God willing, when the disk of the moon is fully completed and its brightness reaches 99.8% . This full moon is known to American tribes as Wolf Moon because at this time of year hungry wolves gather and howl outside their homes. This moon is also known as the old moon or the full moon after Christmas. Also on this day (January 17) the moon is in conjunction with the star Pollux (Beta Gemini/twin), as we see them side by side in the evening sky, from the beginning of the night until the appearance of morning twilight the next day. Then, after the middle of the month, only Jupiter appears in the western sky, starting around 8:30 p.m., and Saturn is barely visible right after sunset. January 18 – Moon conjunction with a beehive Moon combined with a crowd of stars The beehive is in the sign of Cancer on that day, as we see them next to each other in the sky at nightfall directly until the morning twilight appears at dawn the next day, knowing that seeing this scene requires the use of binoculars Or a small telescope like the star cluster The Beehive that is not visible to the naked eye on January 29 – the Moon and Mars conjunct side-by-side until the morning twilights intensify. .

The most important astronomical phenomena and events for the month of January 2022

Al-Dustour News

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