The Pale Blue Dot: Carl Sagan’s Reflections on the Cosmos, Humanity, and Our Fragile Home

2023-09-07 07:29:58

There are times when a book touches us.[Three Kingdoms]and[The Little Prince]were like that when I was young, and[The Analects]and[Cosmos]were like that when I got older.[Cosmos]was published in October 1980. Author Carl Edward Sagan is an American astrophysicist who served as an advisor to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and participated in space exploration plans. He worked to popularize science and warned of the dangers of nuclear war. He was also interested in the origin of life and believed that life would exist elsewhere in the universe.”Cosmos” covers various topics such as the origin of the universe and the earth, the origin of mankind, and the future of the universe in 13 easy-to-understand chapters. Carl Sagan writes in his book, ‘Humanity is but a speck of dust floating in the brilliant morning of the Cosmos. Most of the cosmos is an empty space, and that space is a truly bizarre and dark space, so the planets, stars, and galaxies there look so precious and beautiful that it hurts my heart.’ In the last 13 chapters of 《Cosmos》, Carl Sagan Give a warning. He said, ‘Human beings have not been able to get out of the hypnotic state of mutual distrust and are completely incapable of caring about mankind as a species. … They regard people who think differently from themselves or societies that are even slightly different from their own as bizarre beings that they cannot trust, and they despise them.” 46 years ago on September 5, 1977, an American unmanned space probe Voyager 1 was launched. It is said to have left the solar system and entered interstellar space in 2012. In February 1990, at the request of Carl Sagan, Voyager 1 turned the camera toward the Earth from a distance of 6.1 billion km from the Earth and took pictures of the Earth floating alone in space. This photo is the ‘Pale Blue Dot’ that resonated with people on Earth. In “Pale Blue Dot” published in 1994, Carl Sagan gave us a heavy message as a humanist who loves the Earth and humanity infinitely, as well as a pioneer at the same time, rather than an astrophysicist. Two years later, he left us at an early age due to leukemia and went to the vast universe. Some of his inscriptions are moved here.’ Look at that point again. that point is here That point is our home. That point is us. (Omitted) Our delusion that we have a very privileged position in the universe, and the pride and pretense that exists only in our imagination, cannot help but be questioned because of this pale spot. Our planet is a tiny speck floating alone in the darkness of the vast surrounding universe. (Omitted) People say that through astronomy, they can experience humility and character development. Nothing better illustrates the folly of human pride than this distant picture of our little world. To me, this picture makes it clear that we must show more appreciation to others, and protect and cherish that pale blue dot that we know as the only home we’ve ever made. Those who destroy the environment, those who distort the truth and instigate ideological disputes, who are obsessed with splitting sides and disturbing the world, have they read this book? I hope they read this book too! May the pale blue dot be no longer lonely with respect and humility to each other.
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