The “Photostream” service is a foot and a half in the grave

2023-06-26 18:01:41

It’s the beginning of the end for the Photo Stream feature. This Monday, June 26, Apple has indeed stopped uploading photos of the user of this service to its servers in order to synchronize them with other devices connected to the same account. This is not a surprise, the manufacturer having warned of the end of this function a month ago. The end of the upload is an interim step before Apple unplugs it completely โ€“ which is scheduled for July 26.

For users of the feature, this means that photos taken from today will not appear on their other devices. Apple specifies that images uploaded to the stream before June 26 will remain in iCloud for 30 days from their upload date. But as of July 26, bim, โ€œ there will be no photos left in iCloud, and the service will stop ยป.

At the backup level, the photos in Photo Stream must be on at least one of the devices in their possession, which reduces the risk of loss. However, it is possible to save images that are not present in the library (Apple support sheet).

Photo Stream, or “My Photo Stream”, is a service born in the wake of iCloud, in 2011. It allows you to save and synchronize up to 1,000 photos between all your iOS, macOS and tvOS devices. iCloud Photo Library is far more powerful since it supports all snapshots and videos, but unlike Photo Stream, Photo Library eats up iCloud storage space. And the envelope of 5 GB of the free formula is quickly full! Then proceed to checkout to purchase additional storage.

Apple will disconnect the “My Photo Stream” function this summer

#Photostream #service #foot #grave

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