The Pink Lake in the Bavarian Alps: A Natural Phenomenon

2024-04-05 15:46:29

A lake with pink water is currently attracting many curious people in the Bavarian Alps, in Germany. This natural phenomenon is due to bacteria which rise to the surface under certain conditions.

This natural phenomenon generally occurs every two years. The last time the “Gipsbruchweiher”, near Füssen in Bavaria, was tinged with pink was in 2020.

For this spectacle to take place, there must be sulfur and little oxygen in the water, according to Karl Schindele, director of the Kempten water management office. “Bacteria are normally found lower in the water, you can’t see them.” But under certain conditions, they rise to the surface, he continues.

Unlike blue-green algae that are regularly found in lakes, purple bacteria do not produce toxins. Therefore, people and animals are not at risk.

However, no one would probably go swimming in this season. Not to mention that the water gives off a strong smell of sulfur.

Fabien Grenon

#waters #Bavarian #lake #naturally #turn #pink

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