The police foiled the attempt to overthrow the German government Germany | manorama news | government

Attempts to overthrow the government in Germany have been foiled. 25 extreme right-wing members who attempted the coup were arrested. The German government announced that it was an anti-terrorist measure.

Three foreigners including one Russian were arrested in raids conducted at 130 centers across the country. Officials said that the group includes a former member of the royal family of Germany and a former member of parliament. Investigators said Heinrich, a former East German royal, was the mastermind. German media also reported that Heinrich’s residence was the center of the conspiracy. The government has stated that the terrorist organization Reich Citizens, which rejects the German constitution, is behind the coup. The government also says that the group, which includes ex-servicemen, was aiming for an armed attack on the Parliament. Their aim was to overthrow the current government and form a government on the model of the German Empire in 1871.

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