The Positive Impact of Pets on Emotional Well-Being: How Your Furry Friend Can Make You Happier

2023-07-01 14:36:07

The company of domestic animals directly influences the emotional well-being of humans. Find out more.


Las pets they are big companions and have a positive impact on the emotional well-being and psychological of people. In this sense, different research who studied the relationships between humans and domestic animals and how it influences the happiness of people.

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Positive impact: 3 factors that make you happy if you have a pet

1. Unconditional support and acceptance

The company and unconditional acceptance that pets give are unmatched. No matter what their owner is like, pets love and accept them without judgment. This feeling of constant support can have a positive impact on emotional well-being.

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A scientific study showed that people experience less stress-related physiological activity and greater performance and concentration when performing a stressful task in the presence of their pet, compared to doing it in the presence of a friend or partner.



2. Mindfulness

When people are in the company of their pets, they have the ability to be fully present in the moment. The act of petting a dog or cat, watching their antics, or simply spending time together allows them to be aware and connected to the present. This mindfulness practice helps reduce stress and allows you to experience a greater sense of calm and tranquility in your daily life.

3. Connections with other pet owners

When people walk their dogs, they meet other pet owners, which can lead to conversations and social relationships. In addition, pets can facilitate relationships in formal settings, such as the office. These social interactions can provide them with a sense of community and support, which contributes to their mental well-being.

In certain circumstances, relationships with pets can become of a higher quality than human relationships, overcoming emotional barriers in the following cases:

for those personas what lack of keen and sufficient human attachment. For those people who experienced difficulties in their relations other personas. For those people who they lived situations of abuse o abandonment During his childhood.

It is important to keep in mind that extreme emotional dependence on pets can become a pathology. Excessive attachment to pets is associated with dissociative disorders and a decreased ability to establish intimacy with other people, which can result in increased psychological distress.

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