The Power of Conscientiousness: Key to Longevity and Health

2023-09-20 09:37:37

Conscientiousness has a greater influence than positive personality

Entered 2023.09.19 16:00 Views 2,934 Entered 2023.09.19 16:00 Modified 2023.09.19 15:06 Views 2,934

Conscientious people not only tend to drink in moderation and eat balanced meals, but they also tend to have lower accident rates and better health behaviors because they don’t do stupid things. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]We have come to an age where living to 100 is no longer a dream. In fact, in the United States, the number of people living to 100 has doubled in 10 years. In order to live long, the health of your mind is as important as your body.

Longevity people who live to 100 say that a positive attitude is the secret to longevity. Ruth Swiedler, 103, said in an interview with CNBC, “I think the secret to living a long life is being praised from a young age and developing a positive personality.”

“A positive attitude plays an important role in longevity when it comes to overcoming stressful situations,” said David Watson, a former professor of personality psychology at the University of Notre Dame. “People with a positive attitude tell themselves, ‘This isn’t that big of a problem.’” “I regain my balance quickly while talking,” he explained.

However, Watson said, “The effect of positive personality is a bit exaggerated,” and “Among the five-factor model that classifies people’s personalities, conscientiousness is the characteristic most associated with longevity.” The five-factor model classifies people’s personalities into five categories: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Conscientiousness is a trait that indicates how well a person is organized and disciplined.

“Conscientious people not only tend to drink in moderation and eat balanced meals, but they also have lower accident rates and better health behaviors because they don’t do stupid things,” he said.

He also advised, “Conscientiousness can increase as you get older,” and “If you want to increase conscientiousness, first be punctual and try to keep your promises.”

#kind #personality #people #live #long

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