The Rise of Sugar Mamas: Inside the Life of Kara Miller and Her Lavish Lifestyle

2024-05-13 00:45:58

In recent times, young people have taken with complete naturalness the idea of ​​becoming lucky to have at their side a person who fulfills their whims in exchange for giving them a little love beyond the normal. Just as the American sugar mommy demands Kara Millerwho pays thousands of dollars to “little boys” who give him all kinds of pleasure.

The one born in California is very well known and has become a sensation on social networks, as she constantly boasts of the expensive gifts that she gives to those young men who have dates with her.

He buried love and now lives on pleasure

The 37-year-old American is very active on her digital platforms, where without any shame He shows off the guys he gets involved with. Judging by her posts, she is quite sexually active and is not afraid to associate with different men constantly.

Without children and with unbreakable freedom, Miller prefers to continue living like this, decision he made after separating from his last partner with whom he had a relationship he described as tortuous. Although her divorce also represented stress for her, she assures that it is not what she deserves.

“I had a relationship that lasted just over 12 months but it wasn’t what I expected. “He didn’t treat me the way I wanted and he saw other women, something that a Sugar Mama like me doesn’t allow.” he explained.

Since then, she decided to take her love and sexual life to another level and began billing to pay those men who are interested in having a more intimate encounter with her.

On one occasion, Kara explained that, get candidates through social networks and she has managed to attract a significant number of “passenger boyfriends” who in turn enjoy all the pleasures that the blonde offers them.

How much do you pay them?

On repeated occasions, the woman He said that, He pays them between 500 and a thousand dollars a week. In addition, it grants monthly bonuses ranging from 3 thousand to 5 thousand. Notably, Miller confessed that she loves paying men to be with her.

Internet users wonder how he earns so much money that he can live on and also pay these high fees. And, even though she believes she is a multimillionaire, The woman earns money from her work as a childminder and the advice she offers in the same field.

“Many ask me how I make a living as a sugar mama: I work with children, I am a behavioral therapist. I am also about to become a clinical psychologist, I will finish a master’s degree and a doctorate. In addition, I work in social networks, I give advice, and I am a photographer,” Indian.

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