The Rupiah will still fluctuate next week – 2024-05-13 02:32:37


Economist Yanuar Rizky predicts that the rupiah exchange rate will remain unstable over the next week. The position of the rupiah against the US dollar will still fluctuate to adjust to the new balance between the lower limit of IDR 16,000 per US$1 to IDR 16,400 per US$1.

“In my opinion, volatility seems to have been seen. Volatility could reach IDR 16,300 or IDR 16,400. However, the new balance is at IDR 16,000,” said Yanuar to Media Indonesia, Sunday (12/5).

Apart from that, the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) is also projected to remain unstable in the future because the market is still looking for balance.

“Technically, volatility occurs because it is compensating for high inflation globally. Then, interest rates also have an influence. Compensation for inflation is actually below the inflation rate, so corrections occur in stocks which will go up and down and then in yields on government debt securities,” he explained.

Yanuar added that war or conflict in the Middle East is just the spice of global economic problems. So far, this problem has only had an impact on financial markets and imports. However, if this trend continues for approximately 3 months, the real sector will feel the impact. (Z-11)

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