The Sims 4: EA Introduces New Sexual Orientation Feature

The life simulation game The Sims 4 will soon receive a new update allowing your characters to choose a sexual orientation.

This unique feature will be included free of charge in the “High School Years” expansion pack that we had the opportunity to test recently. Concretely, this will allow your Sims to experience attraction, opening up new gameplay possibilities for the player.

More inclusiveness for sims

Sexual orientation will be decided from the Create a Sim menu. It will define your Sim’s attractions in various ways. For instance, its appeal to people of the same or opposite sex. It will also be possible to opt for something less “direct” by choosing a natural discovery of attractions through interactions with other Sims.

You will understand, with this feature, the license seeks to be even more inclusive. It’s also a way for developers to more realistically reflect the world we live in:

The Sims team understands that sexual orientation is an essential, complex, and inherent part of how people experience and find their community. Consulting with nonprofits like It Gets Better and GLAAD, The Sims 4 created a detailed and clear option for players to experiment with various forms of sexual orientation for their Sims.

If all this has made you want to know more about this new function, which is more complex than it seems, EA invites you to check out the latest Developer Diary presented by SimGuruJessica, the lead designer of the new expansion pack.

So don’t forget, The Sims 4: High School Years expansion will be released on July 28, 2022 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Are you looking forward to (re) leaving as a teenager?

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