“The social crisis has had an impact on the will to undertake”, Guillaume Pepy

2023-04-21 04:30:00

LA TRIBUNE – More than a year after the outbreak of war in Ukraine, what is your assessment of the companies supported by the Initiative France network?

GUILLAUME PEPY – In 2022, there was a sharp increase in the number of projects supported (+7%) while the number of business creations increased by 4% in France. In detail, it was above all the takeovers of existing companies that sustained this increase. The number of recoveries increased by 22%. Resuming an activity can be synonymous with safety. Takeovers are a way to save jobs and local activity. Project leaders are extremely attached to these objectives.

What are the main difficulties faced by companies over the past year?

The situation is mixed. The energy crisis, the environmental transition and the return to local can be so many opportunities for new entrepreneurs to get started. They quickly understood what the economy of tomorrow will be like. It will be a local economy where short circuits and recycling will be on everyone’s mind. On the other hand, the war in Ukraine, inflation and supply difficulties represent obstacles on the path to setting up a business. Far from discouraging, these brakes have rather reinforced the desire of entrepreneurs to succeed.

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Has the pension reform put initiatives on hold among project promoters and entrepreneurs?

The three months of conflict over pensions have weighed on collective psychology. The social crisis has had an impact on the will to undertake. The driving force behind entrepreneurship is self-confidence and trust in society and the economy. In recent months, the company has torn on this project which has occupied much of the media space.

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Energy prices have fallen in recent months. Despite this slowdown, many independents continue to warn of the cascading risks of this inflation. How do you help companies faced with this price explosion?

Everyone is now aware that we are going to live in a world of expensive energy. There is little chance that we will return to quasi-free energy. The real answer is in energy sobriety. We advise our project leaders to think about optimizing energy consumption. We must not count on long-term aid and the return to cheap energy.

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What are your main projects for 2023?

2023 could be more difficult. There are many signs of procrastination. We must put the package on the local and on the young people, the women, the inhabitants of the districts of the city policy. At the end of 2022, we launched a campaign to recruit volunteers to support project leaders. 100% of projects must have a positive impact on society. We ask project leaders to think about the actions they bring for their territory, to facilitate the environmental transition.

In the world of entrepreneurship, women are always victims of discrimination. How do you explain the persistence of this phenomenon?

The share of projects led by women increased to 43% last year. It’s still 7 points less than the men but it’s improving. The difficulties encountered are mainly clichés and prejudices. 25% of women entrepreneurs say they feel these clichés. Women can also censor themselves. They can question their own legitimacy, their competence. We must therefore help women to have confidence in themselves. My goal is to achieve parity in business creation within three years.

Parity: only 12% of women at the head of French SMEs and ETIs

For several years, resignations have multiplied in several sectors. Are you witnessing an increase in retraining among new entrepreneurs supported by your network?

Yes, there is an undeniable rise in conversions. Entrepreneurship is now done at any age, regardless of the situation in life before. There are many people who had permanent positions and suddenly switch to entrepreneurship. People in early retirement do not necessarily see themselves without a professional activity.

Some want to give meaning to their professional life. More and more people are embarking on collective projects. A third of the companies supported are reconversions. In other words, conversion is no longer scary.

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Does this desire for retraining illustrate a new relationship to work?

This increase in reconversions shows that there are no longer any choices made for life. The idea that we will choose our profession between the ages of 20 and 30 for life is over. Many people are now changing careers. It shows an opening.

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The French economy has been marking time for several quarters. On the one hand, some sectors have managed to hold their own. Others have still not returned to their pre-health crisis level of activity. Isn’t this slowdown likely to favor a multi-speed economy?

The very large French groups are doing very well because they were able to anticipate. These groups have long-term contracts. On the other hand, VSEs and SMEs take all the shocks head on. Faced with the economic shock and the shock of confidence, the year 2023 could be more uncertain for entrepreneurship.

Interview by Grégoire Normand